GET TO KNOW Lisa Behrends,
I’m so glad you are here!
As a motivational speaker, I am wildly passionate about helping leaders and organizations so they can have important conversations and break throughs they can achieve. I hope to help you get comfortable with being uncomfortable. If you can say yes to 3 of the following 5 statements, you’re in the right place:
You want to create a culture of improved wellness and high-performance while being faced with change and disruption.
You have helpful ideas to share, but now you’re feeling like your voice is not being heard.
You’ve always been a strong leader and you love developing your people, but lately it’s been hard to align with the leaders above you.
You feel like your perspective on issues is being overlooked.
You want to collaborate with others, but it is challenging finding ways to resolve conflict and find cohesiveness.
Have you ever been there? Now, I believe you want to be seen and for your voice to be heard. You are passionate and want to accomplish things for the good of the cause.
That’s why I am glad you are here!
I am confident I was put on this planet to inspire others to be the best they can be. As a speaker, I've had opportunities to travel the world and I have learned the value in acknowledging our differences and finding common ground. Serving as director of many organizations, I have had some great jobs and some tough jobs. I've had amazing opportunities and some incredibly tough situations. All of this has taught me about getting comfortable with being uncomfortable. This has made me passionate about helping people.
If this resonates with you, then I invite you to stick around!

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